Wholesale Price China Sea Cucumber Peptide Manufacturer Sea Cucumber Peptide Powder


Wholesale Price China Sea Cucumber Peptide Manufacturer Sea Cucumber Peptide Powder

Sea cucumber peptide ke peptide e nyane ea molek'hule, e ntšoa ho likomkomere tsa leoatle tse ncha kapa tse omisitsoeng ka theknoloji e lebisitsoeng ea tšilo ea li-bio-enzyme.Haholo-holo ke li-peptide tsa collagen 'me li na le monko o khethehileng oa tlhapi.Ho feta moo, likomkomere tsa leoatle li boetse li na le glycopeptides le li-peptide tse ling tse sebetsang.Lisebelisoa li na le calcium e sebetsang, monopoly-saccharide, peptide, sea cucumber saponin le amino acid.Ha ho bapisoa le likomkomere tsa leoatle, sea cucumber polypeptide e na le thepa e ntle ea physicochemical joalo ka solubility, botsitso le viscosity e tlase.Ka hona, enzymatic hydrolysis ea sea cucumber peptide e na le bioavailability e phahameng ho feta lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tsa likomkomere tsa leoatleng.E sebelisoa haholo lijong le lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo.

Mohlala ke Mahala & oa Fumaneha

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

latela konteraka”, e tsamaellana le tlhokahalo ea mmaraka, e kenelletseng nakong ea tlholisano ea mebaraka ka boleng ba eona bo botle joalo ka ha e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng le tse ntle ho bareki ho ba lumella hore e be bahloli ba kholo.Sepheo sa khoebo ea hau, ke phethahatso ea bareki bakeng sa Theko ea Morei ChinaSea Cucumber PeptideMoetsiSea Cucumber PeptidePowder, Amohela potso ea hau, ts'ebeletso e kholo ka ho fetisisa e tla fanoa ka pelo e felletseng.
latela konteraka”, e tsamaellana le tlhokahalo ea mmaraka, e kenelletseng nakong ea tlholisano ea mebaraka ka boleng ba eona bo botle joalo ka ha e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng le tse ntle ho bareki ho ba lumella hore e be bahloli ba kholo.Phehello ea khoebo ea hau, ke phethahatso ea bareki bakeng saSea Cucumber Peptide, moetsi oa peptide ea likomkomere tsa leoatle, leoatle likomkomere peptide phofo, Basebetsi bohle ba rona ba lumela hore: Boleng bo aha kajeno mme tšebeletso e theha bokamoso.Rea tseba hore boleng bo botle le tšebeletso e ntle ka ho fetisisa ke eona feela tsela ea hore re fihlele bareki ba rona le ho iphumanela le rona.Re amohela bareki hohle ka lentsoe ho ikopanya le rona bakeng sa likamano tsa nako e tlang tsa khoebo.Thepa ea rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa.Hang ha e Khethiloe, e Phethahetse ka ho sa Feleng!

Mohloli oa lintho tse bonahalang: oyster e ncha kapa oyster e omisitsoeng ea tlhaho
Mmala: Phofo e 'mala o mosehla kapa o sootho
Naha: Powder, granule
Mokhoa oa Theknoloji: Enzymatic hydrolysis
Monko: Monko o khethehileng oa tlhapi
Boima ba limolek'hule: 500-1000Dal
Protheine:≥ 80%
Motsoako oa phepo: likomkomere tsa leoatle monopoly-saccharide,polypeptide, 18amino acid, chefo ea likomkomere tsa leoatle, taurine,sea cucumber glycoside joalo-joalo.

Peptide ea Earthworm (2)

Likomkomere tsa leoatle li na le li-glycopeptide le li-peptide tse ling tse sebetsang, molek'hule e nyane ea poly-peptide e na le likarolo tse ngata, e na le thepa e ntle ea physicochemical joalo ka solubility, botsitso le viscosity e tlase.Ke lijo tse loketseng bakuli ba lefu la tsoekere, khatello ea mali, lefu la pelo le cerebral thrombosis.
Pakete: 10KG / Bag, 1bag / lebokose, kapa customized


1 Loantša mokhathala, boloka letlalo le boreleli ebile le reketla, liehe ho tsofala ha 'mele.
2 Ntlafatsa tšireletso ea 'mele;
3 ho theola tsoekere maling, ho tsebisa liphio le mali a matlafatsang.


1.Tiisetso ea boleng
Traceability ea lisebelisoa tse tala, theknoloji e tsoetseng pele, e phahameng ho feta litlhoko tsa taolo, lintlha tse qaqileng tsa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa, ho fana ka bareki ba boleng bo phahameng le lisebelisoa tse sireletsehileng tse tala.

2.Supply tiisetso
Bokhoni ba tlhahiso e tsoelang pele, lethathamo le utloahalang, ho fa bareki lihlahisoa tse lekaneng.

3.Tshebeletso ea thekenoloji
Fana ka koetliso ea lihlahisoa bakeng sa bareki mabapi le thekiso, theknoloji le 'maraka, le ho fana ka tšehetso ea tekheniki ea foromo le tharollo ea lihlahisoa bakeng sa bareki.

4.Fana ka litšebeletso tsa nako e tletseng ka mor'a thekiso.

5.Originous ho tloha Hainan Island e phetseng hantle, khetha metsoako e phetseng hantle 'me u sebeletse lefatše.

Phepo ea Peptide:

Lintho tsa Peptide Mohloli oa lisebelisoa tse tala Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong Sebaka sa kopo
Peptide ea Walnut Lijo tsa Walnut Boko bo phetseng hantle, ho hlaphoheloa kapele ho tsoa mokhathala, phello e mongobo LIJO PHELA
Peptide ea Pea Pea Protheine Khothaletsa kholo ea li-probiotics, anti-inflammatory, le ho matlafatsa sesole sa 'mele
Peptide ea soya Soy protheine Hlakola mokhathala,
anti-oxidation, mafura a tlase,
fokotsa boima ba mmele
Polypeptide ea spleen Lebete la khomo Ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea 'mele ea motho ea ho itšireletsa mafung, ho thibela le ho fokotsa ho hlaha ha mafu a phefumolohang
Earthworm Peptide Seboko sa Lefatše se Omme Ho matlafatsa sesole sa 'mele, ho ntlafatsa microcirculation, ho qhala thrombosis le thrombus e hlakileng, ho boloka methapo ea mali.
Silkworm e tona ea Pupa Peptide Seboko sa silika se tona Sireletsa sebete, ho ntlafatsa tšireletso ea 'mele, ho khothalletsa kholo, ho theola tsoekere maling,
khatello e tlase ea mali
Noha ea Polypeptide Noha e ntšo E matlafatsa sesole sa 'mele,
anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombosis

Ts'ebetso ea Theknoloji ea Tlhahiso:

Ho hlatsoa letlalo la tlhapi le sterilization- enzymolysis – separation- decoloration and deodorization-refined filtration- ultrafiltration-concentration-sterilization- spray drying- ka hare ho paka- ho lemoha tšepe- packing ka ntle- hlahloba- polokelo.

Mohala oa Tlhahiso:

Mohala oa Tlhahiso
Amohela lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le theknoloji ho felehetsa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa boemo ba pele.Mohala oa tlhahiso o na le ho hloekisa, enzymatic hydrolysis, filtration le mahloriso, ho omisa ka spray, ho paka ka hare le ka ntle.Phetiso ea thepa ho pholletsa le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso e tsamaisoa ke lipeipi ho qoba tšilafalo e entsoeng ke batho.Likarolo tsohle tsa lisebelisoa le liphaephe tse nang le lisebelisoa tsa ho ikopanya li entsoe ka tšepe e sa hloekang, 'me ha ho na liphaephe tse sa boneng ka mahlakoreng a shoeleng, tse loketseng ho hloekisa le ho thibela likokoana-hloko.

Tsamaiso ea Boleng ba Sehlahisoa
Laeborari ea meralo ea tšepe e mebala e felletseng ke lisekoere-mithara tse 1000, e arotsoe ka libaka tse fapaneng tse sebetsang joalo ka phaposi ea microbiology, kamore ea fisiks le k'hemistri, kamore ea boima ba 'mele, sethopo se phahameng sa sethopo, kamore ea lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng le kamore ea sampole.E na le lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng joalo ka mohato o phahameng oa mokelikeli, ho monya athomo, chromatography e tšesaane, analyzer ea naetrojene le analyzer ea mafura.Theha le ho ntlafatsa tsamaiso ea boleng, le ho fetisa CERTIFICATION ea FDA, MUI, HALA, ISO22000, IS09001, HACCP le litsamaiso tse ling.

Tsamaiso ea Tlhahiso
Lefapha la tsamaiso ea tlhahiso le na le lefapha la tlhahiso mme workshop e etsa litaelo tsa tlhahiso, 'me ntlha e' ngoe le e 'ngoe ea bohlokoa ea taolo ho tloha ho reka thepa e tala, ho boloka, ho fepa, ho hlahisa, ho paka, ho hlahloba le ho boloka thepa ho ea tsamaisong ea tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa, e laoloa le ho laoloa ke basebetsi ba nang le phihlelo le ba nang le phihlelo. basebetsi ba tsamaiso.Foromo ea tlhahiso le ts'ebetso ea thekenoloji li fetile ka netefatso e tiileng, 'me boleng ba sehlahisoa bo tsoteha ebile bo tsitsitse.ho latela konteraka", e ipapisa le tlhoko ea' maraka, e kenela tlholisano ea 'maraka ka boleng ba eona bo botle joalo ka ha e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng le tse kholo. bakeng sa bareki ho ba tlohella hore e be bahloli ba kholo.Ts'ebetso ea khoebo ea hau, ke phethahatso ea bareki bakeng sa Theko ea Wholesale China Sea Cucumber Peptide Manufacturer Sea Cucumber Peptide Powder, Amohela potso ea hau, tšebeletso e kholo ka ho fetisisa e tla fanoa ka pelo eohle.
Total Price China Sea Cucumber Peptide Manufacturer Sea Cucumber Peptide Powder, Basebetsi bohle ba rona ba lumela hore: Boleng bo aha kajeno mme tšebeletso e theha bokamoso.Rea tseba hore boleng bo botle le tšebeletso e ntle ka ho fetisisa ke eona feela tsela ea hore re fihlele bareki ba rona le ho iphumanela le rona.Re amohela bareki hohle ka lentsoe ho ikopanya le rona bakeng sa likamano tsa nako e tlang tsa khoebo.Thepa ea rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa.Hang ha e Khethiloe, e Phethahetse ka ho sa Feleng!

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Re romelle molaetsa oa hau:

    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona

    Re romelle molaetsa oa hau:

    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona